today my mommy was watching, miss universe pageant, cause she always likes watching that. then i was doing
see ya later...
A serious craving of chips lands
RJ the racoon in some grizzly
bear-sized trouble. Now he's got
one week to collect a whole
winter's worth of junk food, or
else he'll be the big bear's next
main course.
Luckily, the smooth-talking
racoon's got a plan. And with the help of the other forest
creatures, it just might work. That is,
of course, if the humans don't get in
their way...
stairway to blog
today i watched my fave TV show on the computer, it's called "stairway to heaven"it was really beautiful but
kinda boring, so on Monday I'll just watch it on the TV. then, silence♥♥♥
a beauty song
oh ooh ooh ooh
ooh ooh ooh
ooh ooh
and just follow it OK everyone♥♥♥......
a love song
I love you I never knew that I could feel like this Can hardly wait till our next kiss You're so cool If I'm dreaming please don't wake me up 'Cause baby I can't get enough of what you do And I'm in So electrically charged up Kinetically acting Erractically need you Fanatically you get to me Magically sure as the sky is blue Baby I love you I can't believe That this is real The way I feel Baby I gone head over heels And I'm in So totally wrapped up Emotionally attracted So physically acting So recklessly I need you So desperately sure as the sky is blue Yeah♥
hi guys!
hi well sing my song when u enter my blog ok evry browsers
A beauty poem
Once more, the birds' song could be heardfor miles around. ''How about that!'' laughedfauna, ''Our sleeping beauty has managed towake another sleeping beauty♥♥♥
good summers
well this day is kinda boring so i washed up and i went to my cousin's house it's only near our house OK, then we watched cartoon's then we saw a kitten died ago then we got home early so tell me about your summer vacation's OK just check my blog. mwaaaah♥
good summers
hello guys! i was just thinking all of u so that's all for now bye bye♥♥
internet days
this day it's kinda boring but ate turn on the computer then it was time to take a bath now only me OK only me then i was going to my neighbor but they were not there so i got home earlier that time then were gonna take lunch then i played my game boy then i slept but i saw ate was doing Internet then i got up then i just watch ate then it's my turn now well only short then i go to my blog then i posted lately then i don't know will i do now so i just type and type. that's all for now BYE-BYE♥.....
about me
hello this is me and ilove the parent trap movie cause i watched it already a long ago so i still like it bye♥
hi guys!
well... today it's gonna be different you know that and well, when I got up I saw mommy was gonna Internet then my sister's turn then me. well not that much OK see when my daddy came he ate and then he take a bath and then gone, and then we ate then we watch t.v when eating ovalteenies then Internet well that's all.♥♥♥
anything here
anything here
anything here
anything here
anything here